International Riot in MarganetsJuly 12, 2009|Mark Koehler|Newsletter, UkraineFor three days before I arrived, the city of Marganets was closed to all traffic going in or out. At least six buses of militia were guarding the city. I knew nothing about this until I had been in Marganets…
June 2009 MUCH NewsletterJuly 3, 2009|Mark Koehler|NewsletterI’ve been back in Ukraine for 17 days. My body and mind have adjusted; my twice-a-week cook has returned from her vacation in the village, visiting her grandmother; and I still have hot water. What more could I ask for?…
Ira’s Insight (June 2009)July 3, 2009|Mark Koehler|NewsletterThis time I’d like to tell you about children from the Christian Club Emmaus. This club is for special children, children from underprivileged families. In our church the first priority is children. Many people understand this simple truth: “The future…
TimingJune 28, 2009|Mark Koehler|Newsletter, UkraineAfter being in the US for two and a half months, I have returned with some new ideas, new projects, and new program possibilities. I guess that the ways things are done in America are faster because of the hunger…
Connecting with the WorldJune 21, 2009|Mark Koehler|Newsletter, UkraineAbout twenty three years ago the personal computer was having its debut in my life, and much of the world. For me, word processing was the big thing. No more typewriter errors requiring whiteout or a total rewrite. I never…
Home Sweet HomeJune 13, 2009|Mark Koehler|Newsletter, UkraineI arrived in Odessa Ukraine on June 8th in the afternoon. My assistant, her husband and son met me at the airport and drove me home. On the way, Platon, Ira’s husband, asked if it had been difficult for me…
May 2009 MUCH NewsletterJune 13, 2009|Mark Koehler|NewsletterOn June seventh, I will return to Illichevsk, Ukraine. You may ask, “What has Mark been doing in May?” The answer, in a few words, is that I have been telling my story. In Florida, I shared my story on…
Ira’s Insight (May 2009)June 13, 2009|Mark Koehler|NewsletterEarly intervention. This time I’d like to share a story with you about a family for whom early intervention has played a great role. Eva D. is a cute little girl of nine months. She was born with some neurological…
April 2009 MUCH NewsletterMay 11, 2009|Mark Koehler|NewsletterHot off the press!! My first book has been published by authorHouse, a self-publishing company. You can take a look at it, and if you are so inclined, order a copy of JC and Me, A Relationship, A Journey. My…
Ira’s Insight (April 2009)May 11, 2009|Mark Koehler|NewsletterSince MUCH came to Ukraine, God has been doing marvelous things in its ministries. Since that time, many people have opened their hearts to help children in need. Their financial support has brought a hope in the lives of those…