Ira’s Insight (April 2009)May 11, 2009|Mark Koehler|NewsletterSince MUCH came to Ukraine, God has been doing marvelous things in its ministries. Since that time, many people have opened their hearts to help children in need. Their financial support has brought a hope in the lives of those…
Fund Raising MUCH StyleMay 2, 2009|Mark Koehler|NewsletterThis journey began a 5:15 AM on March 25th. By the time that I arrived in Greensboro, NC, I had been awake for about thirty-three hours. It was a long and mostly sleepless adventure, but I arrived safely. I have…
A MissionaryMarch 23, 2009|Mark Koehler|Newsletter, The Children, UkraineSo, exactly what is a missionary? Webster defines this word as, “One sent to propagate religion.” In search of a good synonym for propagate, I found what I think is the best synonym. I like the word multiply. I like…
March 2009 MUCH NewsletterMarch 22, 2009|Mark Koehler|NewsletterHello family and friends, The countdown has begun. Wednesday evening, March 25th, my feet will step onto American soil. It will be great to be home for a time, visiting old friends and making new ones. Many things have happened…
What the Children Need to HearMarch 15, 2009|Mark Koehler|Newsletter, The Children, UkraineRelationships have always been on my mind. Since I was a child, my own need for relationships was a major factor in my life. It was missing much of my childhood. When I interact with our children at the Emmaus…
The Innocence of ChildrenMarch 10, 2009|Mark Koehler|Newsletter, UkraineAs I woke up this morning, the scenes from a film that I had watched last week reappeared in my memory. Not many films are more than a momentary escape from the reality that I live. Not many films that…
February 2009 MUCH NewsletterMarch 1, 2009|Mark Koehler|NewsletterHow is the weather in your area? February has been a mild, but bone chilling month here in Illichevsk, by the sea. Financial problems are not so evident to me in Illichevsk, but while I was in Marganets I saw…
Help WantedFebruary 28, 2009|Mark Koehler|Newsletter, UkraineWhen you see these two very common words side by side, what thoughts come to your mind? My first impression is that a job is available, that there is some work to do. Think about the word help. If I…
Children of HopeFebruary 23, 2009|Mark Koehler|Newsletter, UkraineWhat do you see above? Look at them from a distance; look at them close-up. Look at their clothes. Look at the expressions on their faces. Look into their eyes. What do you see? I see children. Each one has…
Children in TransitionFebruary 16, 2009|Mark Koehler|Newsletter, Ukraine(I have not entered pictures of our children to protect their identities at this fragile time in their lives.)For the past year and then some, when I go to Marganets, I visit the children at the transition home. These children…