Hello family and friends,
We are safe in God’s hand’s, understanding what it is like to be a refugee from the eyes of Mark and Sveta, residents of this world, Citizens of Heaven.
Mark’s Moments
When God showed us the future of MUCH in developing countries, He explained that the foundation would be through churches. With this concept firmly established in our minds, our third day in Krakow was a Sunday. Lusia introduced us to a friend of hers. We met her friend, Martinek, at her church, and Lusia continued to her own church.
Martinek, introduced us to her friend Monika, who is interested in our massage therapy program. Each of them had someone else in mind who would also be interested in working with massage therapy.
The following Sunday, Monika, Ela, and Cheszka, met with me after church. (Lusia and Sveta were on a two day spiritual retreat.) The four of us talked about the massage therapy program, and my vision for it in Krakow for refugee children, in particular. This is where we are at as of Sunday 3/27.
In one other direction, Sveta and I anticipate living in a multifamily house for refugees in the near future. At this time, there are two families with a total of two children living in this home. When we move in, Sveta will provide massage for these children. We anticipate finding/training massage therapists to be available throughout Krakow. (Big picture)
We will follow our Ukrainian MUCH model of no/low overhead. We have not discussed price per massage yet. But again, it will be modified from the MUCH model. We are not interested in becoming a business, but each massage therapist could develop a business from our startup model. I will share more as we move down the timeline.
“Make yourself available, and God will use you.” Oh! Does that sound familiar? God continues to open doors for Sveta and me wherever we go. The story can only get better.
Sveta’s Journey
We are so thankful to God and to all of you, dear family and friends. We see, and the Ukrainian people also see, your love and compassion. Your big help is proof of your love. Our two managers and their children have moved to other countries where they were surrounded by love and care. The financial assistance provided by MUCH touched their hearts deeply. They said that these gifts were most unexpected, but very timely.

Dr. Natalia remains in her city. She continues not only massage treatment for disabled children, but helps their families, and families who need support, through church organizations and MUCH.
Another massage therapist, Anya, of MUCH remains in Ukraine with her sister and mother. Her husband is in the army, fighting for freedom in Ukraine. Anya has been providing massage therapy for Maria, who we have written about in recent updates. The money that Sveta added to Vera’s (Maria’s grandmother) account made it possible for Anya to do some shopping for Vera. She continues to provide massage treatments for Maria. The war has challenged everyone greatly. Even so, our therapists who are still in Ukraine are working diligently.
In western Ukraine, our therapist and computer teacher continue their work with children, hungry for activity, knowledge, and stress relief. The goals may change somewhat, although their love and compassion march on.

This morning, my brother sent a picture of our house. There was a piece of metal in an upper window. The source of the metal is unclear, but it remains lodged in our triple pain window. We are amazed that no other damage has fallen upon our house.
We want to tell more heroic stories of our people who remain in Ukraine, but it is not safe to release information and locations that may jeopardize the lives of any, or many of our Ukrainian people. Know that we continue to help the people in need that we have contact with in Ukraine, and those that we are meeting in Poland.
Please continue to pray for our city of Mykolaiv, City of Heroes, that continues to receive attack from the Russian barbarians.
Living my Dream,
As for Sveta and I, there is still a shock, a numbness. They may be hiding within us, but I think that they are still there. We find our strength in the Power of Jesus Christ Who lives within us.
Thank you for your prayers!
Blessings of love and healing,
Mark and Sveta