MUCH Spring Fundraiser $5000
Urgent Need for Five Village Distribution
Groups That MUCH Sponsors
All too often, we take necessities like water, electricity, and food for granted. We just assume these necessities will be there—they always have been. But that’s not true for everybody.
The Russian invasion has torn Ukrainians lives apart. Many have lost loved ones. Those who have survived the attacks are now challenged with living without necessities. Homes have been damaged or destroyed, water stopped flowing, electricity has been cut off, and food is scarce. Every day is a challenge for survival. MUCH is committed to helping as many suffering Ukrainians as possible. We support individuals and organizations like churches that offer humanitarian aid. Please consider helping us provide necessities to these people. Your gift will make a big difference by making life a little more bearable for those at the mercy of war.
Here’s a story of one village in need.

It is a great challenge for Ukrainian women to plow and plant their fields when their husbands went to war? Life goes on. The cycle of spring motivates people to cultivate gardens and plant vegetables. Having a harvest in your garden is a great help. Digging the earth with a shovel is hard work. Our friends Andrew and Tanya found a solution. If they had a walk-behind rototiller, Andrew would be able to plow the gardens for these women. They have an idea and a desire to help women, but no money.
Andrew and Tanya have already opened the doors of their house and garage for fellow villagers. They have a small house, the second floor does not yet have windows, or floors, so they decided to invite people to their garage. They installed a pot-belly wood burning stove, a generator, tables, and sofas in their garage. Now twice a week people can warm up, charge their phones, have a delicious lunch, and see and hear about the love of Jesus. Andrew and Tanya also distribute clothing and food provided by international aid. See this 1 minute video showing their giving hearts.
Please help Andrew and Tanya till gardens for women of Balovnoye village.