Hello family and friends,
2018 Christmas Fundraiser
We need your help! Our goal is to raise $10,000 for the 2019 Massage Therapy Program. We can do it with your help. The children are worth it!
Sveta’s Journey
The last three months in our newsletters we asked you to support some of the children in our massage program. These children will receive regular massage treatments. Together with you, we will see what results massage therapists will achieve, and how the Lord works through their hands and hearts. Of course, other children who need massage therapy are involved in our program. Some of these children need a massage course on a monthly basis. Other children receive massage therapy every other month.
Ira is our massage therapist in Chernomorsk. She is working with a six-year-old girl Valya who was diagnosed with over extension of the joints. The lack of necessary treatment can lead to pain. It can become chronic and atrophy of muscles working the joints will lead to disability. The main part of the treatment is to strengthen the muscles of the surrounding problem joints.
Valya felt uncomfortable because her right shoulder was higher than the left. Girl was upset and irritable due to frequent pains in muscles and joints. After a course of massage therapy, her muscles strengthened, her shoulders became level. Valya said that now she feels better, the pain in the upper back region has passed. It became easier for her to perform special physical exercises to strengthen muscles and joints. She is so happy! It is amazing how a ten-day massage course can make a little child happy!
Baby Luba is now seven months old, but according to the developmental standards she is as a four-month-old baby. Since the mother’s pregnancy was proceeding with difficulty, the doctors performed a cesarean section much earlier than the term of delivery. With a weight of 1.65 pounds, a little girl came into this world. She spent a month in intensive care with an artificial breathing apparatus. Doctors had no hope that the child will live. But God had His plans to give life to this baby.
Doctors gave several diagnoses, some of which are haemangiomas (a benign tumor of the blood vessel) on the upper left arm, muscular myopathy and torticollis. Luba’s left hand is limited in movement, the fingers do not grip the toy as well as the fingers on her right hand. Perhaps this hemangioma affects the motor function of the hand. Doctors are not sure what to do with hemangioma which has increased in size. They continue to explore. If muscles and nerves are affected, there may be no way to treat some of her health problems. Please pray for Luba’s healing.

Tanya, our massage therapist is doing everything possible to treat this condition with the help of massage. In August, she gave Luba the first course of massage treatment. Muscle spasticity was significantly reduced. Also, she began to make attempts to keep her head in a raised position. In October, Tanya gave Luba a second course of a ten-day massage. Now Luba holds her head well. She no longer has torticollis. She can stand on her legs for a while.
These are good results. Slowly, step by step, we see progress throughout the process. Next month, Tanya plans to continue massage therapy for Luba. We believe that everything will be fine with the child. Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support.
Living my dream,
Blessings of love and healing.
You can see all of our videos at our YouTube channel.