We raised $4200 of our $5,000 goal. Only $800 left to go. Let’s help Luda and her family!

I have known Luda for about 20 years, and I have never heard her complain about her difficult life. Her faith in God keeps her positive. She is a women of faith. During the past year, often under rocket fire, she and her granddaughter sat in the dark basement and prayed, sang Psalms, and gave each other encouragement.
35 years ago, Luda, now a 63-year-old woman, adopted a boy and a girl when they were 3 and 4 years old. She raised them without a husband. They are responsible adults with good work ethics, but limited employment opportunities and life’s circumstances kept them from buying a house or renting an apartment. Their only option was to live in Luda’s small house, which needs repaired.
Luda, being a loving mother, took in her daughter Katya, who is divorced and is raising a child with a disability along with her son, Vlad, and his wife and child.
A month ago, Vlad had an operation on his spine to repair a herniated disk. The operation cost $820. Some friends gave him money, and from others he borrowed additional funds. Now he needs to have an MRI of the area where the other two herniated disks are. Two more operations await him. Vlad is still in pain despite taking medication.
We are asking you, our dear partners, to help Luda make much needed repairs to her house and help Vlad with his medical expenses. Let’s help Luda, a women of faith, and her family! Your support means the world to them!