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$1,900 raised $3,100 to go

MUCH continues to help as many Ukrainians as possible. Even though you probably don’t hear as much about Ukraine on the news, the suffering continues. The need is great—more than you can possibly imagine. We are blessed to be able to provide some relief thanks to your generous contributions. Please donate to our Spring Fundraiser so we can continue to help those who are in desperate need.

Here is a story about a special girl with a special need. Although her need is not a result of the war, it is symbolic of MUCH’s mission to help disadvantaged children.

Dasha’s story

Marsha and Vlad met while studying to be porters on the railway system. They married just before graduation. At the 8th month of Marsha’s pregnancy, she went into labor. She sat on the dormitory house stairs for a long time in severe pain screaming for help, but Dasha was born before help came. When the ambulance arrived, the child was already oxygen deprived. The doctors feared for Dasha’s life. She survived, but with a disability.

Initially, the doctor thought Dasha’s problem was muscle hypertonia. This is a condition where there is too much muscle tone. It makes movement of her legs and arms very difficult. Although, at the appropriate time in her development, she was able to raise her head and roll over, she could not crawl or stand firmly on her feet.

When Dasha was six months old, they moved to a village near Dobromel. People recommended Natasha, a massage therapist and rehabilitation specialist who has worked with MUCH for many years.

After Dasha turned 2 years old, the doctors confirmed the diagnosis of cerebral palsy.

(After the progress that I have seen in the past 20 years in Ukraine, I am shocked to learn that a law remains requiring a child to be two-years-old before a doctor is permitted to diagnose a disability.)

For three-and-a-half years, Natasha continued to give Dasha massage and rehabilitation therapy for free. She knew that Dasha’s parents could no longer afford the cost of the rehabilitation she was receiving at the International Rehabilitation Clinic.

Natasha’s persistent efforts paid off and Dasha has begun to crawl, little by little. Dasha’s father made a special apparatus for his daughter. He was hopeful that this would help her learn to walk. She must be able to walk to attend school!

Because Dasha’s parents must carry her everywhere, they need an expensive orthopedic stroller, which they can’t afford. MUCH would like to gift a stroller to Dasha to make her life a little easier.

Please help us provide this $550 orthopedic stroller for Dasha. When she is no longer in need of it, the stroller will be passed on to another child in need that Natasha is working with. We did the same in Chornomorsk a number of years ago.

Ukraine thanks you for your love and care for their immediate needs. MUCH is most grateful for helping us help them. Your contributions are the key unlocks all that we do for disadvantaged children!

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