MUCH is having its first internet fundraiser
Mark Koehler, founder and Vice President in charge of Field Operations, and his wife Sveta, operate Mission Ukraine Children’s Hope (MUCH) from their base in Illichevsk, Ukraine. MUCH, a 501 (c) (3) charitable nonprofit Christian ministry has dedicated itself to helping disadvantaged children in Ukraine communities and orphanages since 2004. We focus our mission in three categories of support: Education, Healthcare, and Clothing. In 2007, the Scholarship program began. The massage therapy program for children with disabilities gave birth in 2004. The first outreach program set in motion monthly provisions of clothing for children in an orphanage in 2002.
Who: Mission Ukraine Children’s Hope
What: Fundraiser for Education Scholarships $6,080
Where: Illichevsk, Ukraine
When: August 14 – 17, 2013
Why: Scholarship for 4 students, university or college
How: Internet: Facebook and Twitter
A $10 contribution will go a long way!!!
MUCH is having its first internet fundraiser, using Facebook and Twitter. The focus is on education; our goal is to raise $6,080 for two years at university or college for 4 students.
This education fundraising event will take place August 14 through August 17, 2013. Each day, two or more articles will be posted on the MUCH Facebook Page and the MUCH website. The articles will explain about education in Ukraine, some of the problems that deny children higher education, and will share about our students-in-waiting, with stories and videos.
August 14:
Introduce the fundraiser
August 15:
Transportation scholarship
Education Breaks the Cycle of Poverty
August 16:
How does Education Break the Cycle of Poverty
Crime Prevention Through Education
August 17:
Sveta’s Story
When You Find a Heart for Children, Nourish it!
Vika, A Nursing Scholarship
Final Report of the Fundraiser