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Hello MUCH Sponsors and Friends,

You can help in providing life-changing help for children with special needs in a big way and it will cost you very little.

Imagine being able to help many children who have no hope but you. MUCH is in great need of financial support. Due to COVID-19, our donations have declined. To keep our current programs running, we need to raise $7,500.

As you know, MUCH is a Christian based mission that serves young children with physical and mental disabilities. Massage therapy helps these children attain marked improvement. It offers them hope and gives them opportunities to lead a better life.

Sveta and I greatly appreciate your continued support to help disadvantaged children in Ukraine. Thank you for your help!

A MUCH Success Story

Valya is nine-years-old. Her parents were deprived of their parental rights because of their immoralities, so Valya was sent to a Baby House. The care at Baby Houses is minimal and lacks maternal affection and parental attention and care. The developmental stages of growth are stifled.

After spending three years in the Baby House, Valya was sent to the orphanage in Dobromel, Ukraine.

She has speech problems and problems walking. After three years of full-body massages and speech therapy face massage, Natasha, the massage therapist of Mission Ukraine Children’s Hope, noticed that Valya was better at pronouncing certain words. She began to express herself. Before the therapy, one of her legs seemed shorter, making it was difficult for Valya to walk. After therapy, her hips became level and she walked with greater ease.

This is just one example of how MUCH helps children with disadvantages improve their physical and mental well-being.

Blessings of love and healing,

Mark and Sveta

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