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Through our Christmas Fund Raisers, we are able to support pilot projects annually that go beyond our budgeted three major programs. In the June newsletter, I mentioned that our camp for the disabled has been taken over by the Illichevsk Baptist Church. Camp was a big item on our previous Christmas Fund Raisers, so this year we can direct more attention to other projects that have proven their value. In spite of the global economic crisis, we believe that God will bless His children through you. Their needs are small, and we believe that your hearts are big.

Marganets Orphanage, Eastern Ukraine, with 156 children during the school year, 60 children in the summer time.

  • The Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program. It will be taught once a week – $600/yr.
  • The Massage program has shown very positive results – $360 for 9 months during the school year.
  • The Computer Class helps children enter the world of word processing and graphic arts – $180/sch.yr.
  • Music and Dance, a new program. Music and dance have always been a big part of the orphanage. This new opportunity will broaden their program and offer more to the children – $180/sch.yr.

Marganets Transition Home processes as many as 26 children every 90 days.

  • Last year we provided clothes and shoes for these children. We would like to do the same every year. The cost is only $500/yr.

Dobromel Orphanage for Special Children, Western Ukraine, with 120 children.

  • Clothing, shoes and food. The children receive our help through a local pastor. I have visited with him and am very impressed with his heart for the children. We would like to continue helping them with clothing, shoes, and food. This is our biggest project. $1800/year.

Our Christmas Fund Raiser goal is $3620. Last year, your response was amazing. If God is speaking to your heart this Christmas season, the children of MUCH ask you to include them in your generosity. They want to learn to help themselves through these programs. That is the ultimate goal and the mission statement of MUCH.

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