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It was near Donetsk in winter that an abandoned dog found its way into the soldiers’ trench. She was given the nickname BORBOS. The soldiers fed her. She waited for them to return from their mission. Konstantin says that friendship with the dog helped them relieve stress. She always slept at his feet, warming his injured leg. BORBOS lived with them all winter. In May 2023, there was heavy artillery shelling, many soldiers died, as did BORBOS. Konstantin was evacuated to the hospital.

From the first day of the war, 35 years old Konstantin volunteered to defend Ukraine. A metal plate in his left shin, and diabetes, did not prevent him from making this choice. He was sent to the front line as a first aid attendant.

May 2023, after another shelling, Konstantin pulled his comrades out from under the rubble and damaged a plate in his leg, and also received multiple small fragments in his left foot. The doctors said that it was impossible to remove the fragments. They were very small and there were a lot of them.

Dr. Natalia and her team provided Konstantin with multiple treatments. Psychological assistance and massage treatment helped to stabilize him emotionally. Physical therapy helped to renew his mobility. His sleep improved, and the swelling in his left leg decreased. His standing balance improved, along with his balance while walking.

He spends about $300 monthly on contusion medications, dressings, and solutions. He even had to pay for insulin. Last month, he asked two city govt. officials for help. He was prescribed to receive insulin for free.

Konstantine lives with his retired parents. Treatment is practically all at their expense. His mother is 63 years old and works at a school. His father is 63 years old, retired, and suffers from ischemic heart disease.

The monthly minimum required for treatment, medications, and rehabilitation procedures is about $400. Dr. Natalia is looking for sponsors; looking for people who are ready to help Konstantin and soldiers like him in any way possible.

Konstantin and other soldiers put their lives on the line every day for the freedom of their country from tyranny. Our fundraiser, when complete, will provide a $500 grant for ten soldiers. Let’s make this happen.

Thank you very much for your constant support for the work of our mission. Together with you, we change the lives of others!

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