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Hello family and friends,

Happy Thanksgiving to all in America! Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to look at how God has blessed Americans.

Christmas Fundraiser

The Christmas Fundraiser is on its way to success. Original goal: $3,927.

MUCH has received $500 toward our two projects:

  • Ternava Village School education tools for learning
  • Creating a massage therapy room to partner with Young Life

We now need $3,427.

We need your help!

Be a part of changing the future of Ukraine through the education system! Change lives through our massage therapy program with our Young Life partners!

Sveta’s Journey

Two years ago, MUCH began helping the children in the Ternava village school. We have seen great joy and gratitude from the director, teachers, and students. The government does not pay attention to small village schools. It was exciting for us to see the school children immediately use everything that MUCH provided.

The camping items to study ecology and environment were used on a fall field trip. The sports equipment was quickly used in the Physical Education classes. Laptop computers and other items for the classroom were greeted with big smiles and promptly put to use.

It is so important to help children keep pace with the city children who have more resources. The education equipment in the Christmas Fundraiser will provide a great opportunity for children to acquire knowledge in order to continue in higher educational institutions and find good jobs.

The Ternava school administration asked for help to buy two Smart Boards (interactive whiteboards). See a video of a classroom demonstration Smart Boards.

What is a Smart Board? It is similar to a large computer tablet on the wall. The student can see everything that is on the computer screen, on the Smart Board. He or she can manipulate the computer by touching the Smart Board. If children will use Smart Boards, they will become more physically, mentally, and visually involved in the learning process. Less paper products will be used, and the use of colorful pictures, graphs, charts, and videos will increase their learning motivation.

Why do they need two Smart Boards? This village school has two buildings that are about one hundred yards from each other on opposite sides of the road. One is for high school students and the second is for the elementary grades.

As you can see in this graduation picture, traditional Ukrainian costumes are very popular. If children will have machines for a sewing class, girls will be able to sew the costumes and traditional clothes for other school children. It will be much cheaper than buying. Many parents do not have the finances to buy clothing for special events. They have many plans for the sewing class!

Teachers, parents and students always pass thanks to you!

Living my dream,


You can support our Christmas Fundraiser here!

Mark’s Moments

In late May 2002, I stepped down from the plane at the Odessa, Ukraine airfield. As I walked toward the airport transport bus I paused. I thought to myself, “Well Mark, now you will see how big your faith is.” Without a firm plan, I moved forward, never looking back. I believed that God would show me His plan, introduce me to His people, and provide for all of my needs. He has done that for 14 years. Here is one example of God connecting me with children in need.

When Sveta and I travel to visit the children, we interact with different people. On our visit in Marganets, I called Enna, an English teacher who previously translated for me. I used to visit her classes and talk with the children. This is always a pleasure for me. She now has two of her own children in kindergarten, so she isn’t teaching. Enna did set up an opportunity for me to talk with the children at the Maximivka village school where she taught.

I have been there before, but never considered their need for help with education tools. Because of our help for the Ternava village school and Marganets School #3, I now see the Maximivka school with different eyes. We will begin investigating how we can help in the spring of 2017. This is only one example of how God connects Sveta and me with those whom He will help through MUCH.

Mission Ukraine has received $108 in the first three Quarters of this year from SmileAmazon shoppers. Thank you!

Blessings of love and healing,

Mark and Sveta

You can see all of our videos at our YouTube channel.

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