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Hello family and friends,

Change is constant in life, so it seems. Our son-in-law was working in England, and moved to Norway for the next season of work. Our daughter and three children have moved from England to northwester Ukraine, looking for familiarity. They flew to Krakow, stayed with Sveta and me for two days, and took the bus to a city in Ukraine. They arrived safely and will begin their new life, once again, in Ukraine. It sounds strange to me, although, Sveta struggles with letting go the past, and many have returned to Ukraine, even to the cities of Kharkiv, Bucha, and Kyiv.

Mark’s Moments

I think that it is a good time to update the status of MUCH, as we have entered the seventh month of the war with Russia. Here are the details for September:

3 massage therapists in Ukraine;

1computer teacher in orphanage in Ukraine;

1 massage therapist in Finland;

2 massage therapists in Krakow, Poland;

6 outreach teams for humanitarian aid delivery, evacuations;

1 refugee home in Krakow;

5 individuals or families in need of survival assistance;

massage therapy is received by Ukrainian individuals only;

estimated number of people that MUCH will help in September = 550;

estimated Ukrainian refugees being helped in other countries though;

MUCH = 32

estimated Ukrainians being helped in Ukraine through MUCH = 518

Here are some examples of our work this month:

This diaper size is one of the biggest needs for teenage children with disabilities who are incontinent. Dr Natalia continues her work at her clinic in spite of the war.

Paul, Elena and, team continue relocating and evacuation people from hot spots. I will guess that they move more than two hundred people per month to places of safety.

Early in August we reported on this woman living in Mykolaiv, Sveta’s and my city. She was collecting drinking water for her home. Mykolaiv has been without clean drinking water for (4) months. We continued communicating with her to learn more about her needs for herself, her daughter, and granddaughter. We learned that they needed firewood for heating this winter. Also, she had experience with goats, so we provided funds to buy two goats and enough food to feed the two goats through the winter. Now they will have heat for their home, milk, and cheese!

Twenty women and children are housed in the refugee home for Ukrainians. MUCH helps with monthly expenses. We have a massage therapist who provides ten-day massage therapy treatments for (4) children or adults each month.

Thank you for your part in the MUCH mission. We could not do it without you!

Blessings of love and healing,

Mark and Sveta

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