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Hello family and friends,

Our Christmas Fundraiser spotlight is on Education and Healthcare!

One of the city schools in Marganets, south central Ukraine, serves 397 students, grades one through eleven. Their goal is to provide computer classes for all grade levels. They have three computer classrooms. To increase the quality of education, they need fifteen computer tablets. In addition to computers, they need a power point projector, and 11 educational maps for the history and geography classrooms.

The school psychologist is asking for a diode sandbox table. This table has lights under it that shine through the sand. As the children draw in the sand, their art takes on different colors. Using this sandbox calms the children and adults, can be used as non-verbal self-expression, and aids therapists in understanding their clients.

The Physical Education teacher needs a wireless microphone for sports competition.
The total cost of these items is $4266.

1. ComputerTablets: 15 x 4799 UAH = $3,390

2. Power Point Projector: 1x 11,588 UAH = $546

3. Wall maps for geography and history lessons:

  • 4 x 150 UAH = $28
  • 5 x 190 UAH = $45
  • 2 x 240 UAH = $23

4. Wireless microphone: 3 x 327 UAH = $46

5. Table diode-sandbox: 1 x 4000 UAH = $188

Total: $4266

This school’s healthcare program is in need of vitamins for underprivileged children and medicines for children who are anemic. The total cost for these vitamins and meds for five children for one school year is $100.

Also in Marganets, at the Transition Home, medicine and vitamins to boost the immune system are needed. The total cost for 20 children for one year is $300.

The final need of our focus in Marganets is at the Orphanage. The children are developing marketable skills as they learn wood craft and sewing. They would like to add bead-work, making jewelry, to their list of skills. Their goal is to create a desirable product that Sveta and I can take to America to sell. The proceeds will go to the orphanage for the children to buy something that the orphanage needs. It will create a good feeling for the children to know that they made something of value to others. To do this, they need the materials. The total cost for one school year is $200.

The Dobromel Orphanage in northwestern Ukraine wants to participate in camping events that are part of the regional schools educational program. They need five tents, fifteen sleeping bags, and fifteen sleeping mattresses for a total cost is $1,100.

Our Christmas fundraiser goal for this season is $5966

The Christmas fundraiser is over and above the ongoing programs. This fundraiser is for the specific projects listed above.

Send a check to Mission Ukraine Children’s Hope.

Mission Ukraine Children’s Hope
11 Kingfisher Lane
Palm Coast, FL 32137
United States

Thank you for helping us help the people of Ukraine help their own people. Thank you for helping us change the future of Ukraine by enabling their children.

Sveta’s Journey

Before our travel to America, Mark and I spent time with children and had meetings with directors and managers in the three cities where MUCH works. Everywhere that we went, parents, directors and managers asked us to tell you a big “Thank You.” Not only were they thankful, but they told us about the practical results of how the help that you provide influences their children.

Particularly, Elena, the director of the Marganets orphanage, sends a big “Thank You” because the children not only have nice clothing that improves their self images, but they also are learning to be good shoppers and are developing a sense of becoming good stewards with money. Elena and the teachers use shopping for clothing as a behavior modification tool. The students pay better attention in their classes and are motivated in all areas to do their best. One of the most important changes that occurs is the obedience of the children.

For fourteen-year-old Ira, (beside Mark in the picture) it is a big experience to shop at the bazaar. She chooses her own clothes and shoes, keeping in mind the amount of money that she has to spend. (Her teacher and Elena are accompanied by the MUCH manager to pay for the clothing).

It is a big and hard task for Ira to choose from the huge number of beautiful things when she is shopping. It is good practice for her to understand how she will need to organize her money for her future when she works. Her mother and grandmother don’t teach her anything about managing money.

They use alcohol to excess and don’t pay any attention to Ira. When I asked Ira how she spent her summer vacation, she very quickly answered, “It was very terrible. I had to watch my family abuse alcohol every day. I struggled with them all summer, trying to get them to stop drinking vodka. Sveta, there is nothing that I can do to change them.”

After Ira shared the pains of her heart with us, we told her about the Lord Jesus. We shared with her that He loves her and wants to help her. All that she needs to do is to come to Him with faith. Mark and I prayed for Ira and her family. We saw a fire of new hope in her eyes. Thank you sponsors and friends for the opportunity to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to the children. Thank you for helping children like Ira.

Living my dream,


Blessings of love and healing,

Mark and Sveta

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